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Welcome to EMMG lab

Watch this video to know more about our main research!

We need Postdoc, Research Assistant and PhD

Welcome people with the following skills to contact us!

  • Project or publication experience

  • Basic materials simulation computing skills or above

  • Basic background knowledge of energy materials, (surface science mechanisms, applications in the field of green energy catalysis, 2D thin film materials, energy storage materials, hydrogen storage and battery applications)

  • Ability or knowledge of descriptor development

We need Master, Undergraduate Students

Anyone who is interested or wants to know more is welcome to contact us!



Hsin-Yi Tiffany Chen

Associate Professor

Using quantum mechanical simulations applied on homo- and heterogeneous catalysis, oxides surfaces, interfaces,....


Welcome TEEP student intern, Khong Nhi, joining our lab!


Congrats to Henry II for his Master's defense! Best wishes in TSMC!


Wenye completed his dual PhD program. All the best for your future!


Hao finished his Master's journey! Best wishes for his career in TSMC!


Graduate students, Nick and Matt, join our lab! Welcome!


All the best for her future endeavors, post doc Mozhgan


TEEP intern, Jin, joins our group!


Welcome graduate students, Jenny and Ben, to our lab!




Congratulations to Henry1 (PhD's student) for winning“NSC's Thousand Mile Horse Scholarships for Doctoral Students to Research Abroad.”


Congratulations to Justin (Undergraduate student) for winning“114 Doctoral Research Fellowship Pilot Program - NSC Selection Category $40,000 per month for 3 years”


Congratulations to Kent (PhD's student) for winning“2025 Physics Annual Meeting Optoelectronics/Semiconductors Group Poster Presentation”

Topic: Mechanistic Understanding of Enhancing Photoluminescence Intensity through CsPbI3 QDs -WS2 Heterostructures: A DFT Study

4 poster awards!

4 poster awards!

Neil, Henry 3, Justin, and Mars in Nuclear Science College Poster Competition.

Farewell dinner

Farewell dinner

All the best to Henry 2 & Hao for their future careers in TSMC!

T2CoMSA conference 2024

T2CoMSA conference 2024

Congratulations to Jeff and Justin on winning poster awards!!

Lab trip to Xitou

Lab trip to Xitou

Thank Prof. Tiffany for the 3D2N nature experience!

Best proposal award for Neil!

Best proposal award for Neil!

2024 UTokyo - NTHU Summer Camp

Conference in Lyon, France!

Conference in Lyon, France!

Yves & Neil presented posters in 18th International Congress on Catalysis

Best oral presentation for Yves!

Best oral presentation for Yves!

Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis (TICC)

  About us

Using quantum mechanical simulations applied on homo- and heterogeneous catalysis, oxides surfaces, interfaces, 2D materials (thin films), metal clusters, carbon based materials, ORR, Fule cells, Betteries by analyzing their electronic structures, acid and basic properties, simulated STM images, transition states and reactions mechanisms.

Contact us!


Office: ESS building R513 (工科舊館513室)

Tel: 03-5715131 #34248

Lab: ESS building R519W (工科舊館519W室)

Tel: 03-5715131 #34288

101, Section 2 Kuang Fu Road, Hsinchu,Taiwan 30013 | Department of Engineering and System Science | National Tsing Hua University



Website update: 2025-02-26

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